Olivier LEHEC, TARKA's Captain, will share with you his passion for the
sea and the navigation.
49 years old, former Telecom engineer, graduated with the french
diplomas "Brevet de Patron
Plaisance à la Voile (BPPV)", and "Capitaine 200 Voile", has sailed
around the world : atlantic north and south, south pacific, from
Polynesia to Cape Horn, Patagonia and Antarctica with TARKA.
Specialised since 5 years in austral and polar navigations, he will
show you the most beautiful sights of the Antarctic Peninsula and of
the Patagonian channels.
He will keep you away from the technical problems of the boat and the
navigation, so that you can fully enjoy your cruise.
But he will let you take the tiller and handle the boat if you wish so !
Serge AUTEXIER, KASHMIR's Captain, former professional tennis
player, has been sailing around Atlantic for years on every kind of
His sailing yacht KASHMIR, is wonderful and fully equipped.
Always in a good mood, it won t be easy to keep him away from his
"zen attitude", even when things become more and more difficult..
Fine cooker, guitar player and singer, boring is not at the menu on
board KASHMIR !